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100% Money Back Guarantee
1 to 6 Bottle
Limited Time Offer
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60 Day Money Back Guarantee:
You have 60 days, no risk, to try MenoClear™ . If you are not 100% satisfied with our product, you may receive a refund (excluding shipping charges). Please read the return policy for more details. If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple bottles,please call before the end of the 60 days. All bottles, both used and unopened, must be returned within the 60 day guarantee period to be refunded.
Our Guarantee...
After testing our product, having excellent results from our previous customers and receiving new success stories daily, we know we can offer to our customers this money back guarantee.
Out of all of the products sold, less than 1% of our customers have requested a refund. This means our product works!
Security when ordering MenoClear™ :
MenoClear™ uses the top technology in credit card protection. You can feel safe ordering from MenoClear™ . All purchases are 100% encrypted and secure.
Discreet Packaging :
Your privacy is important. All packaging is 100% discreet and has no mention of the contents inside.
MenoClear™: Doctor Formulated & Researched IngredientsMenoClear™'s formulation of effective ingredients and strong name recognition have brought praise from both customers and health professionals alike. To learn more about the research and data behind MenoClear™ , please visit our "How it Works" page. |
"MenoClear™ is formulated based on a thorough investigation of clinical research and documented data..." |
"These ingredients have been considered and added into this product based on these studies and the supporting evidence..." |
"Each ingredient has been researched and included into MenoClear™ based on their efficacy and safety..." |